Client Email Notifications

To keep clients informed of what tasks they need to complete and ensure they stay in the loop about recent project activity, sends them various types of email notifications. 

This article will explain how client notifications work in and help you understand how, when, and why different notification emails are sent.

What Client Notifications Look Like

All email notifications sends to clients follow a similar format:

Email notification in Gmail (Mobile)

1. Sender Name - By default, uses the company name entered when your account was created as the sender name that appears in any notification emails sends to clients. You can change the sender name for notification emails via your account's "Settings" page anytime.

2. Branding - After adding your branding via your account's "Settings" page, all notification emails sends to clients will be customized with the logo and primary color you specify.

3. Content - The content of the email notification, which dynamically populates based on the type of notification that was sent to the client (for example, portal invites, task reminders, etc.).

4. Portal link - Depending on what type of notification email was sent, clicking this button will bring clients either to their portal or the specific task you've asked them to complete. By default, the portal link buttons in notification emails use magic links that auto-authenticate clients into their portal without creating an account or remembering a password.

📢 Note: If you disable magic links in a project, the portal link button will bring clients to a login page. If you'd like to learn more about how password-protected portals work, click here.

Overview of How Client Notifications Work

Before diving into the different types of notifications, there are a few key things to know about how they work:

  • Clients only receive email notifications about projects you have invited them to. In scenarios where you have separate projects you are working on for the same client(s) or business organization, you must invite them to each project. Click here to learn more about inviting clients.
  • Clients only receive email notifications about tasks you have assigned them to. For clients to receive reminder emails about a task or be notified of task activity, they must be assigned to it. Click here to learn more about client tasks

👋 Quick Tip: In, clients see all tasks (excluding drafts & archived) assigned in the project(s) you have invited them to. While does not block clients from completing tasks they were not technically assigned to; clients will only receive notifications & reminder emails about a task if you formally assign them to it.

Types of Notifications and When They Are Sent

The sections below detail the types of notifications that clients can receive from and the scenarios in which they receive them.

Portal Invites

Clients you invite to projects immediately receive a single email notifying them and encouraging them to access their portal. By default, client invite emails contain a boilerplate message with information about, but they can be customized however you'd like. Click here to learn more about customizing client invite emails.

Task Reminders

Clients you assign and send tasks to immediately receive an email notification with the task's title, description, and a link to their portal to complete it.

There are a few important things to note about the way client task notifications work in

  • If you send tasks individually, clients will receive a separate email notification for each task you assigned.
  • If you send multiple tasks simultaneously (using's bulk actions), will group those tasks into a single email.

📢 Note: If you do not toggle on reminders for a task, the client(s) you assigned to that task will only be notified when the task is first sent to them.

In addition to the email notification clients receive when they are first assigned a task (or tasks), toggling on "Reminders" will send automated follow-up emails to the client to ensure they complete it. Reminder emails are sent automatically on a predefined schedule based on the task's due date. Click here to learn more about automated reminders for client tasks.

Tagged Comments & Messages

If you tag a client (using "@" + the client's name) in a comment, Helpdesk ticket, or chat, will notify them immediately so they can view the message and promptly respond.

📢 Note: Clients tagged in task comments will immediately receive a notification about the comment they were tagged in, even if you originally did not assign them to that task. 

Daily Digest Emails

In addition to immediate notifications about tagged comments and messages, clients will receive a digest email summarizing all new comments and internal task activity when there has been new activity over the past 24 hours. 

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