Project Progress Tracker's built-in Project Progress Tracker lets you provide customers with clear visibility into the status of their projects—from onboarding to offboarding—directly in their client portals.

This article will explain how the Project Progress Tracker works and how to customize it to show and hide specific project stages.

👋 Tip: When you invite clients to multiple projects, they can toggle between them in the upper left corner of their portal and access the Project Progress Tracker for each project on its corresponding "Tasks" page.

How the Project Progress Tracker Works

When you create a project (either from scratch or from a template), automatically includes a Project Progress Tracker clients can access from their portal's "Tasks" page.

By default, the Project Progress Tracker only includes stages marked as "Active" (i.e., stages with at least one active task) and "Completed" (i.e., stages where all tasks are marked completed).

It's also important to note that:

  • Stages you set to the "Archived" status—whether manually or through automation—will not appear in the Project Progress Tracker.
  • By default, the Project Progress Tracker does not include stages set to the "Draft" status. To include "Draft" stages in the Project Progress Tracker, follow the instructions below.

👋 Tip:'s built-in automations allow you to instantly activate stages when you create a new project from one of your templates. Click here to learn more.

How to Show Draft Stages in the Project Progress Tracker

Including "Draft" stages in the Project Progress Tracker can help you better set client expectations about what work needs to be completed for a project to progress.

Editing stages in a Template to include them in the Project Progress Tracker

To show "Draft" stages in the Project Progress Tracker, open your project or template and navigate to the "Tasks" page. In the upper right corner of the stage you'd like to include in the Project Progress Tracker, click the three dots to open the stage actions dropdown and click the "Show in tracker" option.

👋 Tip: When you choose "Show in tracker" for stages in a Project Template, automatically includes them in the Project Progress Tracker when you create new projects from that template.

How to Hide Stages in the Project Progress Tracker

If, after setting a "Draft" stage to show in the Project Progress Tracker, you decide you would not like to be shown, clicking the "Hide from tracker" option will remove it.

Hiding a Draft stage to exclude it from the Project Progress Tracker in a Template

Because stages set to the "Active" and "Completed" statuses are shown in the Project Progress tracker by default, the option to show/hide them is greyed out. To remove an Active or Completed stage from the tracker, click the "Archive/Hide" option from the "Stage Actions" dropdown.

Archiving a stage in an active project to exclude it from the Project Progress Tracker

📢 Note: Archiving a stage removes it from the tracker and hides it entirely from clients in their portal.

Previewing the Project Progress Tracker

To preview the Project Progress Tracker, select a project or template, click "Portal" from the top navigation menu, and then "Preview" in the upper right corner of the portal editor.

Previewing the Project Progress Tracker in an active project

In the portal preview that opens in a new tab, click the "Tasks" page to see how the Project Progress Tracker will appear to your clients.

📢 Note: If all stages within a project are set to "Draft" (and haven't been toggled to show in the tracker) or "Archived," the Project Progress Tracker will be automatically hidden and not appear in your preview.

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