Due Dates and Reminders in Project Templates
In addition to adding due dates and reminders for client tasks in your active Motion.io projects, you can assign due dates and reminders to client tasks in your project templates.
The instructions below detail the process for adding due dates and reminders to client tasks in your Motion.io project templates.
How to Add Due Dates and Reminders to Tasks in Project Templates
After entering due dates and adding reminders for tasks in a project template, those tasks will automatically populate with the configurations you set each time you create a new project from the template.
📣 Note: After creating a new project from a template where you added due dates and reminders to tasks, those tasks will be set as drafts and need to be assigned and sent to a client. If you would like to automate the process of creating projects from templates, inviting clients, and assigning them tasks, Motion.io's Zapier integration allows you to do so
Step 1: Select a task in a Motion.io project template
To access tasks in a project template, select the "Templates" option on the left side of your account and click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the template you want to edit.
On the template's "Tasks" page, click the edit icon beside the task where you want to add due dates and reminders.
Step 2: Add a due date to the task
Next, add a due date for the task by entering a number into the field that appears to the left of the "Days until task is due once project is created" label at the bottom of the task composer.
Step 3: Add automated reminders to the task
After entering a number into the field referenced in Step 2, an option will appear that allows you to turn on automated reminders for the task. To automatically remind clients to complete the task once you assign it, click the toggle option.
👋 Tip: To learn more about how automated task reminders work in Motion.io, click here.