Adding Team Members to Projects

To avoid cluttering your team members' account dashboards with projects they have no involvement in, by default, team members can only access projects you intentionally added them to.

This article will explain how to add team members as users to projects and templates in

📢 Note: Before you can add team members to projects and templates, an admin must invite them to your account. Click here to learn more about inviting team members.

How to Add Team Members to Active Projects

While users assigned to the "Admin" role will have access to every single project in your account, team members will only have access to view and manage projects they have been added to.

After adding a team member to an active project, they'll automatically receive an email notification with a link that will bring them directly to the project you added them to.

Add Team Members to Individual Projects

To give a team members access to an individual project, select it from your dashboard and navigate to the "Users" page of that project. On the "Users" page, click "+Invite user to portal," select the "Team Member" role, and choose the team member you want to add from the dropdown.

Add Team Members to Multiple Projects Simultaneously

In addition to adding team members to projects one at a time, from your Projects Dashboard, you can add team members to multiple projects simultaneously.

To do this, click the checkbox on the left side of each project, select the "Add team member" option from the "Bulk Actions" dropdown, and choose the team member you want to add.

How to Add Team Members to Project Templates

To avoid manually adding team members to each new project you create, you can add team members to templates. After you add team members to a template, they will be automatically included whenever you create a new project from that template.

To add team members to a template, navigate to the "Templates" page from your account sidebar and click the edit option from the dropdown menu. On your template's "Users" page, click "+Add user to template" and select the team member you want to add from the dropdown.

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