Global Template Updates's Global Template Updates feature enables you to apply changes made to a project template to all active projects previously created from that template.

This article will explain how the Global Template Updates feature works in and how to use it.

How to Update Active Projects Created From Templates

After making changes to a project template, a modal will open asking if you'd like to apply those changes to active projects previously created from the template.

To apply your changes to all active projects, click "Yes" in the modal.

📢 Note: To avoid potential conflicts with pre-existing tasks, stages, and portal pages in your active projects, you will only be prompted to apply template updates globally when you:

  • Create a new task or stage
  • Drag a task or stage to a new location
  • Create a new portal page

Limitations of Global Template Updates

To avoid potential conflicts with pre-existing tasks, stages, and portal pages in your active projects, you will only be prompted to apply template updates globally when you:

  • Create a new task or stage
  • Drag an existing task or stage to a new location
  • Create a new portal page

In other words, you will not be prompted to apply Global Template Updates when you:

  • Edit an existing task
  • Duplicate an existing task
  • Edit an existing portal page


While edits to previously created tasks and portal pages will not trigger the Global Template Update Modal, there is a workaround that allows you to do so.

📢 IMPORTANT: Please note this is a workaround and is not the intended way's Global Templates were designed to be used. Should you decide to use it, avoid deleting any previous versions of the task/stage you are editing —  as doing so will completely erase all versions from all active projects created from that template. 

  • Create a new task or portal page in the project template
  • Copy the information from the task or portal page you want to edit into the new task or portal page you created
  • Make your changes to the new task or portal page and click "Save"

Upon saving, will prompt you to apply your updates to all active projects created from that template.

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