White-label Settings

Motion.io's Professional plan includes full white-label functionality that allows you to entirely remove Motion.io branding from your client portals and email communications and replace it with your business's.

This article will provide detailed instructions for configuring your white-label settings in Motion.io.

📣 Note: Included in all Motion.io plans, you can customize your client portals and email communications to use your business's logo and branding. Click here to learn more.

How to Configure Your White-label Settings

To configure your white-label settings in Motion.io, click "Settings" from the sidebar on the left, which will bring you to your account's Team Settings page. From here, the Domain and Email tabs will allow you to access all the necessary settings to fully white-label your Motion.io projects and client portals.


When you create a new account, clients see [ app.motion.io ] as the default URL displayed when accessing a portal. After subscribing to Motion.io’s Professional plan, you can specify a domain to which all client portals resolve.

To specify what domain or sub-domain you'd like to use for your portals, click on the "Domain" tab and enter the domain you want to use.

👋 Tip: To properly configure your white-label domain, you must enter a domain you do not use for another website. For this reason, we typically advise entering a subdomain, for example:

[ portal.mybusiness.com ]

After entering a domain or subdomain, the modal below will populate with instructions for adding a CNAME record to your domain host. Most often, your domain host will be the company where you purchased your domain.

Linked below are setup instructions for creating a CNAME record with some of the most common domain hosts:

📢 Note: Client portal login pages will automatically populate with your business's domain and branding after successfully configuring your white-label domain. Click here to learn more about client login pages.


In addition to customizing the domain for your portals, after upgrading to Motion.io's Professional plan, you can have email correspondence come directly from your business email instead of the default [ hello@motion.io ] address.

To specify the email address you'd like clients to receive notification emails from, click the "Email" tab of your account's Team Settings page and enter an email.

After entering the email address you'd like to use, click the "DNS Settings" link. Upon doing so, a modal will open that provides instructions for adding a DKIM Record (TXT) and Return Path (CNAME) to your domain host.

You can copy the values for each record by clicking the icons on the right side of the modal.

Linked below, we'll provide instructions for adding the records referenced above to some of the most common domain hosts:

📢 Note: As a bonus, configuring your white-label email address will automatically remove the "Powered by Motion.io" text that typically appears in client invite and notification emails.

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