Bulk Actions for Client Tasks

When you’d like to edit, assign, or send multiple tasks at once, Motion.io’s bulk actions provide a quick way to do so.

How to Use Bulk Actions for Client Tasks

After selecting tasks by clicking the checkbox on the left side of any task in a project, you can use the bulk actions dropdown to assign clients, set due dates and reminders, and send tasks off for clients to complete.

Set Assignees in Bulk

To set assignees for multiple tasks at once, select the tasks you would like to assign by clicking the checkbox on the left side of each task you'd want to assign. Then, click "Bulk Actions" and select "Set Assignees" from the dropdown menu.

From here, a modal will open where you can select as many clients as you would like to assign to your chosen tasks. You can assign any clients you have invited to the project by searching their names in the dropdown, clicking the client(s) you want to assign, and clicking "Save."

👋 Tip: If no clients appear in the modals that open when using the Bulk Actions to set assignees in bulk, clicking the "+" icon on the right side of the set assignees modal will allow you to add new clients to the project you can assign to the tasks you have selected.

Set Due Dates and Reminders in Bulk

In addition to using Motion.io's Bulk Actions to assign clients to multiple tasks simultaneously, you can also use the bulk actions dropdown to set due dates and task reminders.

To set due dates and reminders for tasks in bulk, select some tasks and click "Set Due Dates & Reminders" from the Bulk Actions dropdown.

In the open modal, clicking the calendar icon will allow you to set a due date for the selected tasks. After setting a due date, toggling on "Reminders" will enable Motion.io to send automated reminders for your chosen tasks. 

📢 Note: If you'd like additional information about how Automated Task Reminders in Motion.io work, click here.

Send Tasks in Bulk

In Motion.io, clients cannot view tasks set to the "Draft" status. For clients to view and complete tasks in their portals, you must first send those tasks off to them.

Using Motion.io's Bulk Actions, you can simultaneously send multiple tasks to the clients you have assigned them to.

To do this, select the tasks you want your clients to complete and choose "Send Tasks" from the Bulk Actions dropdown.

After sending your tasks, the clients you've assigned them to will instantly receive a notification email with a magic link they can click to access their portal and immediately begin completing them.

📢 Note: A bonus of using Motion.io's bulk actions to send tasks is that any tasks you've selected to send in bulk will be combined into a single email instead of multiple. Clicking the button for any task in these notification emails will bring clients directly to that specific task in their Motion.io client portal.

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