Require Team Review Task Option's "Require Team Review" task option allows you to add a step for team members to verify that a client completed a task correctly before it is officially marked as "Complete" in their project.

This article will explain how the "Require Team Review"  task option works and provide instructions for using it.

📣 Note: The "Require Team Review" option is only available for client tasks in For internal tasks that require review, we recommend adding a subtask and assigning it to the person responsible for reviewing it. Click here to learn more.

Creating Tasks that Require Team Review

Select the project or template where you want to create a task that requires review, and click the "Create task" button to bring up's Task Composer. After entering the details for the task, navigate to the "Require" section on the left side of the composer and select "Team Review".

In the modal that opens after clicking "Require team review," use the dropdown to select the team member who will be responsible for reviewing the task and click "Save Task."

👋 Tip: You can use the "Require team review" task option in combination with any of's six other client task options. Click here to learn more.

Completing Tasks that Require Team Review

Tasks you send to clients that require team review operate nearly identically to any other task you have clients complete. The only difference is that when clients complete tasks that require review, their status will update to "In Review" instead of automatically being marked as "Complete."

📣 Note: The task details, as well as the "In review" status of tasks that require review, are visible to both project admins (via the project) and clients (in their portals).

To complete a task that requires review, click on its title from the "Tasks" page of the project. If the client completes the task correctly and no changes are needed, marking that task "Complete" in the modal will change its status from "In Review" to "Complete" in both your team's and the client's view of the project.

If you find a task that requires review was not completed correctly or is missing information, you can use the comment sidebar on the right of the modal to inform your client of the additions or changes you need.

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