Customizing Client Invite Emails

Clients you invite to portals instantly receive a welcome email with a magic link that allows them to access their portals in a single click. While the default content in these emails is designed to work for a wide variety of businesses without additional changes, you can customize your client invite emails to say whatever you'd like.

๐Ÿ‘‹ Tip: If you password-protect your client portals (i.e., disable magic links), clients' invite emails will include an additional section at the bottom with their username and a temporary password.

How Client Invite Email Customizations Work

Before diving in, it's helpful to note that customizations to client invite emails apply on a per-project basisโ€”and editing a client invite email in one project will not affect any others.

If you edit the client invite email in a project template, any projects you create from that template will automatically include the changes you made.

How to Customize Client Invite Emails

Step 1: Open a project template or active project from your dashboard and click the "settings" option at the top of your screen. Next, click the "Emails" tab under "Project Settings."

Step 2: Customize the default text in the client invite email to best suit your business and the type of clients you'll invite to that specific project or projects you create from the template.

๐Ÿ‘ Note: To help you deliver a more personalized experience, the text in brackets โ€” {{CLIENT_NAME}} and {{TEAM_NAME}} โ€” automatically populates with the name of your client and the name of your team. You can move around either of the bracketed text fields, add new instances of them, or remove them altogether.

Step 3: After making the required changes, click "Save." From then on, any clients you invite to the portal will receive your customized invite email.

As a final note, If you'd like an example of how your customized welcome email will appear to clients before inviting them, clicking "Send Test Email" will send a sample email to your inbox.

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